Ciall Wellness LLC
Addressing the cause, not masking the symptoms.
Our Mission
Ciall Wellness seeks to provide education, direction and support to anyone seeking to improve their life. We believe God, through nature, provides the key to balancing and nourishing your Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Holistic Health Consultations
Kari helps to gently uncover the layers of a problem to find the source while supporting and strengthening your body with a variety of natural options
Bioenergetic Scans
An energy-oriented health evaluation designed to assess energetic imbalances within an individual and show how physical, emotional and spiritual stress is affecting the body
Alimtox Ionic Cell Cleanse
Use of positive and negative ionic charges to detoxify your body systems. This assists the body to heal itself by neutralizing toxins which then can be discarded by pores on the bottom of your feet
Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna
Infrared saunas differ from the other saunas. While a dry or steam sauna heats the air around you, the infrared sauna heats your body from the inside out. Our sauna features Near, Mid, and Far infrared options to provide a tailored experience
Bioenergetic Mudpacking
A mix of specially formulated mud and serum that will synergistically work together to heal and open energetic pathways to shift and relieve negative energy that is blocking communications to organs, hormone systems, nervous system, and the energy centers of the body.
Acoustic Resonance Therapy
Utilization of sound vibrations to bring harmony within the body
Use of colored light to address imbalances within the body
Genetics Testing
Non invasive testing to look at your DNA and how it could be effecting your health.
Bach Flower Consultation
Flower essences that help restore the balance between mind and body

Then God said,” I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.”
Genesis 1:29